According to the Energy Information Administration, heating the home accounts for about 42% of all residential energy consumption. That means the energy bills for your Lake Elsinore, CA home likely spike as soon as the heating season begins each year. However, there are simple ways you can trim those winter energy bills. Here are four tips to help you do just that.

1. Maximize Solar Heating

The simplest way to keep your energy bills low this winter is to give your heating system less to do. To do that, you should open up your home’s blinds and curtains during the day to let as much sunlight in as possible. Although you may not realize it, exposing the sunlight into your home will keep it a few degrees warmer than it otherwise would be. That will prevent your heating system from having to turn on as often, saving you money in the process. For best results, though, you may want to install some thick curtains on your windows. That way, you can close them at night and keep as much of the accumulated solar heat as possible inside your house overnight.

2. Install a Smart Thermostat

Another great way to keep your winter energy bills low is to upgrade your heating system, giving it an efficiency boost. You can do this by installing an ENERGY STAR-certified smart thermostat. Doing this will save you about 8% on your winter heating expenses. However, you can do even better than that, depending on the type of smart thermostat you purchase. Some brands average wintertime energy savings of 10-12%, while others boast of savings up to even 26% depending on usage. The key lies in learning to use your smart thermostat’s advanced settings so you take advantage of them all.

3. Seal Air Gaps

One of the most effective ways to keep your winter energy bills low is to do everything possible to keep cold air out of your home. That means installing products like weatherstripping around your home’s doors and windows. This will seal up tiny gaps that allow cold outside air to find its way into your home. You should also install door sweeps on your home’s exterior doors and use the insulated curtains mentioned in the first tip above.

It’s also a good idea to try and locate any air leakage around your home’s windows and doors and use caulking to seal up any gaps you find. You can start by looking for easily visible door and window gaps and sealing those. However, it doesn’t take many doors or window gaps for cold air to seep into your home. To find the door and window gaps you can’t see, you should light a candle and hold it still right near each window and door. If the flame flickers, you’ve found a draft. When this happens, feel around for the presence of cold air to pinpoint its source and seal it up.

4. Schedule a Furnace Maintenance Appointment

Finally, one of the best ways to keep your winter energy bills low is to do everything you can to guarantee your furnace keeps operating efficiently. Without proper maintenance, a furnace can drop well below its initial rated efficiency level. If you have an older furnace that went without consistent tune-ups for many years, it may be as much as 40% less efficient than when it was new. But you can solve that problem by scheduling a maintenance appointment.

When you call us for a furnace maintenance visit, one of our expert HVAC technicians will inspect your system, adjust it for best performance, lubricate its moving parts, and clean its inner workings. When the technicians finish, your furnace will be in the best condition possible. And, if our technician notices anything wrong with your furnace that’s sapping its efficiency, they’ll recommend a fix to help you keep your heating bills low.

Since 2014, Polar Express Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning has offered the finest HVAC services in Lake Elsinore. We handle HVAC installation, maintenance, and repairs, along with duct cleaning and indoor air quality solutions. With over 20 years of experience in the HVAC industry and upfront pricing on everything we do, you won’t find a better partner in your quest for lower winter energy bills. So, for furnace maintenance and HVAC efficiency options in Lake Elsinore, call Polar Express Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning today.

Meet the Author
Anthony Dieringer
Anthony Dieringer

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